Wednesday, August 21, 2013

New Orleans aka Don't Inhale the Powdered Sugar

New Orleans was our last big stop, and it was a pretty cool city. I've never been to a place with so much personality, and between the beautiful houses and beads hanging from trees, I was pretty smitten.

Everything is colorful and a little spooky, and our Airbnb hosts were quick to point out that this was a judgement-free place where most people did as they pleased. People roamed the streets with a Bloody Mary in hand, live music poured out of doorways, and there were many businesses clearly in an upswing after Katrina. 

We eventually wandered down to The French Quarter, and because we had so many suggestions about places to go, we decided to stop in a variety of places and get something small, like a drink or an appetizer. Basically, we ate our way down Royal street. 

This was a bar that rotated slowly like a carousel.

This is the Andrew Jackson Hotel, which is apparently haunted.

These are little kids, looking in the window at the bakery in Cafe Du Monde, watching the beignets being made.

My father and friend Tim warned us that when eating beignets, it was important not to inhale the powered sugar as you're eating them.

Someone didn't listen.

This is the Andrew Jackson park, which was quite lovely. I've been meaning to find out why so many things are named after our 7th president...

Because I was so frustrated with the unimpressed photos my iPhone was taking, I bought this funny lens attachment that has a wide-angle, micro, and fish eye lens.

You'll be shocked to know that two adults can entertain themselves for a full twenty minutes playing with a fish eye lens:

You have to eat Louisiana oysters in New Orleans!!

Darts in the backyard:

Slim Goodies is where we ate breakfast before hitting the road. Their menu told the story of bouncing back after the hurricane, and how they handed out cheeseburgers for weeks.

A small note about our frequently looses track of us...and thinks we're swimming.

We're visiting cousins in Georgia and Arlington, and then spending a few days in Lancaster with Momma and Grammy Hitchcock before heading home. It's weird to think about going home! Back to our jobs...and plants...and our paychecks. Well, our paychecks will be nice.

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